PT Triputra Investindo Arya (Triputra Group)
IT Assistant Manager - Manado
- Participate in the Development of proper security for all systems that are designed, developed, and/or implemented.
- Understands the use of information systems, the importance of business and financial data integrity and security, the need to protect information, and the obligation to follow appropriate security controls.
- Ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of Company information and safeguards the security, integrity, and availability of all administered systems and confidential information in the department in accordance with Information Security Policies.
- Interface with Enterprise IT Operations, Applications Development, and IT Business units to understand and interpret on-going business needs, storage and reporting requirements, and emerging trends.
- Ensure that there is a database environment that supports these needs and helps develop solutions to meet business objectives.
- Manage enterprise databases, creates, physical design, administration, monitoring, tuning, and cloning of development of backup and recovery processes that are designed for optimum speed and efficiency.
- Develop, implement, monitor, and enforce operational standards, processes, policies and procedures for database applications and database programming.
- Provide consultation, assistance, and technical support. Resolves problems with emphasis on timeliness and efficiency
- Any combination of training, education and experience equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in Computer Science, Information Systems, Accounting, Finance, Industrial Engineering
- Minimum 3 - 5 years progressively responsible professional experience implementation of all field in Information Technology
- Must have basic knowledge of current technologies available in the IT world
- Previous experience with computer and printer maintenance and repair.
- Work independently and assist with multiple projects, priorities, and locations.
- Work under pressure with interruptions and challenging deadlines.
- Adequate understanding of IT Risk, Compliance, and Information Security
- Experience in application development and/or project management
- Strong analytical skill
- Industrial/manufacturing/auditing experience preferred
- Has strong leadership and communication skill
- Willing to be placed @ MANADO
Or send to :
Closing Date: 20 February 2014
KSP Nasari
Kepala Cabang Area Manado
Tanggung Jawab:
- Mengkoordinasi dan mengontrol semua unit kerja yang ada di Kantor Cabang/Kantor Cabang Pembantu dibawahnya sehingga semua unit kerja tersebut dapat terintegrasi untuk bekerja secara efektif, optimal dan sesuai peraturan Perusahaan
- Mengkoordinasi team supaya target sales yang ditetapkan perusahaan tercapai tepat pada waktunya
- Usia Maksimal 40 Tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Jurusan apa saja
- Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Manager/Kepala Cabang/Kepala KCP di Perbankan Nasional/Swasta yang menaungi sektor retail/mikro atau Lembaga Keuangan lainnya
- Berpengalaman dalam marketing Lending & Funding
- Jujur, Loyal, dan berdedikasi tinggi terhadap perusahaan
- Memiliki Jiwa Leadership, kemampuan negosiasi, kerjasama dan komunikasi yang baik
- Sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan dan biasa bekerja dibawah target
- Penempatan : KSP NASARI KC Manado
- Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi KSP NASARI dari awal hingga akhir
KSP NASARI Kantor Pusat
Jl. Tumpang Raya 114 Semarang 50233
atau email ke :
Closing Date: 06 March 2014
Semoga Informasi Lowongan Kerja Manado Terbaru Februari 2014 IT Assistant yang saya sampaikan ini bisa membantu mendapatkan pekerjaan yang Anda inginkan. Kalau Anda sedang mencari kerja di daerah Palu, silahkan Anda baca juga Lowongan Kerja Palu Terbaru Februari 2014 Admin. Terimakasih.
Tagged @ MANADO